The Rt. Rev. Abbess Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon, PhD, LC

The Rt Rev. Abbot Andy Fitz-Gibbon, PhD, LC

Jane Hall Fitz-Gibbon, Abbess of the Lindisfarne Community, became a Christian in 1968 and has since served the church as a leader in children's work, a house-group leader, a teacher of the faith and since 1994 as co-leader of the community. She is a writer, co-author of six books with Andy and was a columnist for three years with Renewal Magazine UK.

Before ordained ministry Jane's profession was dental therapy, in which she graduated from New Cross Hospital London in 1972. She worked with children, the mentally handicapped and the mentally ill.

Besides her work as Abbess, Jane moderates a number of e-mail lists, has a fairly acvtive part in Tompkins County DSS where she and Andy are foster carers and works at TST BOCES in crisis intervention. 

She loves feminist theology, Zumba at the YMCA, and her three little non-human companions, "the pugs," Molly, Lucy and Jack. She has an MA in theology, and a PhD in interdisciplinary studies from Trinity Theological Seminary, Newburgh, IN. her book Corporal Punishment, Religion and United States Public Schools, based on her dissertation was published by Palgrave MacMillan in 2017.


Andy Fitz-Gibbon is an Professor and Chair of philosophy and Director of the Center for Ethics, Peace and Social Justice, at the State University of New York College at Cortland, NY. (Personal web page) Andy is the author, co-author or editor of thirteen books and numerous book chapters and articles in the areas of nonviolence, ethics, community, and social justice issues.

Andy has been a follower of Christ since 1973, and, studied for Christian ministry at Northern Baptist College, Manchester University (1981-84). He has bachelors degree in business, masters degrees history, applied theology and a PhD in Social Ethics.

He had pastorates, as a Baptist minister (Baptist Union of Great Britain), from 1981-1984 in Rochdale, Greater Manchester, and from 1984-1994 in Stocksfield, Northumberland.

In 1994, Jane and Andy began the new work which would become the Lindisfarne Community, and in 1995, they moved from the UK to Ithaca, NY.

In 2001, Jane and Andy were ordained priests in apostolic succession and appointed the Abbess and Abbot of the Lindisfarne Community, when the community was formally charteered by the Most Rev. Wayne Boosahda, Archbishop of the Communion of Evangelical Episcopal Churches. They received the gift of apostolic succession for community and were consecrated bishops in July 2003.

Jane and Andy have three grown children, three grandchildren, and have cared for over 100 foster children.

Jane and Andy are available to lead your church or community retreat.

The Role of the Abbess & Abbot
The leadership of our abbot and abbess is summed up in the Constitution as the work of being “spiritual parents and soul friends” to all members, “based on maturity and experience, learning and wisdom.” Their efforts are focused in a few carefully chosen areas: engaging in discernment with potential new members, offering support and guidance as members define and live into their ministries, leading educational sessions for those seeking training and education in accord with our Rule’s mandate to study, and setting the agenda for our community retreats as the spiritual leaders of the community. While this leadership style may be quite different from what many of us were accustomed to in our previous church affiliations, it provides wide-ranging opportunities for members to explore their faith journey with generous and compassionate spiritual guidance. -Amma Beth+